Once again, together with the Youth Cultural Center “Ochota” we are playing with the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity! The GOCC staff will be operating in Blue City from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm on Sunday, January 29.
The main attraction will be the grand finale concert, during which exciting charity auctions will be conducted. This will be an extraordinary opportunity to purchase unique gadgets, donated especially for this event by public figures, people of culture and art as well as companies. You will also be able to purchase unique artworks made by children from schools in Ochota. The funds raised will go to the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, whose goal this year is to raise money to ensure the fight against sepsis.
In 2022, during the XXX Finale, we collected PLN 78,440.38, and over all the years of playing for WOŚP, the staff of MDK “Ochota” contributed PLN 1,011,696.50 to the account of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity Foundation. We hope that this year together we will surpass this amount!